Student Showcase
A Compilation of Performances by Students of Vidya Subramanian Academy
This is a unique project featuring a compilation of renditions by some of Vidya Subramanian Academy’s students from all over the world. All students have been trained through our live online lessons. The goal of this project is to showcase and encourage students of various ages, learning levels, locations and backgrounds. Please note that this is not a contest but a compilation of select student performances with the intent to motivate every student to learn at his or her own pace and enjoy the learning experience. Happy listening!
Check Out Our Students' Submissions
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32nd Student Talent Showcase! (Aug 2024): Theme: Sri Krishna Jayanthi (flute special)!
31st Student Talent Showcase! (Jun 2024): Theme: Bharatanatyam special feature!
VSA Bharatanatyam Student Spotlight - Margam by Nithya Shanmugam
29th Student Talent Showcase! (Feb 2024): Theme: Sanskrit Sloka & Tamil, Telugu & Kannada
28th Student Talent Showcase! (Nov 2023): Theme: VSA Students Speak (Sing and Play!): audio-visual presentation, including performances and testimonials by VSA Exams Students
27th Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2023): Theme: VSA Navaratri Music Fest
VSA Sabha Chennai event livestream part 1 VSA Sabha Chennai event livestream part 2
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Volume 10
VSA Sanskrit language Student Spotlight (Jul 2023) : A special feature!
26th Student Talent Showcase! (May 2023) : Theme: VSA Rhythm Mela A special synchronized group video feature!
25th Student Talent Showcase! (Mar 2023): Theme: VSA Students Speak (Sing and Play!): audio-visual presentation, including performances and testimonials by VSA Exams Students
VSA Bharatanatyam Student Spotlight (Feb 2023) : A special synchronized group video feature!
24th Student Talent Showcase! (Jan 2023): Sanskrit Slokas & Tamil chants
Special: VSA Exams Student concert (Dec 2022) : Featuring students who have completed Levels 2, 3 & 4 VSA Exams (live premiere)!
23rd Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2022): Theme: VSA Deepavali Music Fest
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Volume 10
22nd Student Talent Showcase! (Jul 2022): Theme: VSA Students Speak (Sing and Play!): audio-visual presentation, including performances and testimonials by VSA Exams Students
21st Student Talent Showcase! (Apr 2022): Theme: Nottuswarams of Sri Dikshitar (new synchronized group format)
20th Student Talent Showcase! (Jan 2022): Sanskrit Slokas & Tamil chants
Special: VSA Exams Student concert (Dec 2021) : Featuring students who have completed Levels 2, 3 & 4 VSA Exams (live premiere)!
19th Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2021): Theme: VSA Students Speak (Sing and Play!)
18th Student Talent Showcase! (Jul 2021): Theme: The Magic of Instrumental Music
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
17th Student Talent Showcase! (Apr 2021): Theme: VSA Students Speak (and Sing!)
16th Student Talent Showcase! (Jan 2021): Sanskrit Slokas & Tamil chants
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
Special: VSA Exams Student concert (Dec 2020) : Featuring students who have completed Levels 2 and 3 VSA Exams in our very first YouTube Live Premiere!
15th Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2020): Navaratri
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Volume 10
14th Student Talent Showcase! (Aug 2020): Theme: VSA Students Speak (and Sing!)
Audio-visual presentation, student performances and testimonials
13th Student Talent Showcase: Special ShowQuiz format (featuring 150+ students) (Apr 2020): Theme: Global Footprints: A Shared Artistic Journey
Can you identify the ragas as you hear the audio?
12th Student Talent Showcase! (Jan 2020): Theme: A Garland of Slokas
11th Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2019): Tribute to Carnatic Composers
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
10th Student Talent Showcase! (Apr 2019): Theme: Global Footprints: A Shared Artistic Journey
9th Student Talent Showcase! (Nov 2018): Celebrating Thru' Music
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6
8th Student Talent Showcase! (Aug 2018): Theme: A Garland of Slokas
7th Student Talent Showcase! (Apr 2018): Theme: Global Footprints: A Shared Artistic Journey
6th Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2017): Theme: Celebrating Thru' Music
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
5th Student Talent Showcase! (Aug 2017): Theme: A Garland of Slokas
4th Student Talent Showcase! (Apr 2017): Theme: Tribute to Carnatic Composers
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
3th Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2016): Theme: Navaratri
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5
Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9
2nd Student Talent Showcase! (Apr 2016): Theme: Compositions on Lord Rama
Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4
1st Student Talent Showcase! (Oct 2015): Theme: Navaratri